"Crystal Night" Damages Letter By Daluege To All Local Government Heads, Police Chiefs And Mayors Regarding The Events Of "Kristallnacht". Source: H. Friedlander & S. Milton Archives of the Holocaust, Vol 20, (New-York 1993) , pp. 293-94. re: damages to non-Jews and to foreign property during the demonstrations of 10 November 1938. According to reports, numerous German nationals and foreigners were among those who suffered during the anti-Jewish demonstrations of 10 November 1938. All concerned ministries are presently examining the basis and extent for public payment of these damages. In order to gain a complete picture of the extent of the damage, please forward by 20 December 1938 a list of all claims for compensation submitted by individuals... Separate lists are to be prepared for damages to: German (not Jewish) property, property of foreign Jews, property of non-Jewish foreigners and foreign countries. To be included in group a are: Jewish Mischlinge [of mixed race] and people of German blood married to Jews. These two categories should be specially marked as such. The following details are to be given: Name, profession (especially the nature of the business) and residence of the person who suffered the damage, a short description of the damage, the amount of the claim, existence of an insurance policy that could cover such a claim. The question if and why the insurance company rejected payment should not be gone into for the moment. In cases b) and c) the citizenship should be mentioned.... It has been reported that during the demonstrations of 10 November 1938, some German firms were hit so hard by loss of large amounts of their stock, that their very existence is now in danger. It should be considered that in special cases, an appropriate sum should be put at their disposal by the State in order to help them in the short run. I request a list of all such cases in addition to the lists required in 1. The need for such help and the required amounts are to be mentioned and justified for each and every case....